

Visiting Artist: Adhoc Plots Collective

FLEET: Edmonds
February 2 & 9, March 9 & 20, 2025

FLEET: Edmonds

Intersection of Humphries and Rosewood Ave, Burnaby

Winter - Spring 2025

FLEET is excited to welcome artist collective Adhoc plots to FLEET: Edmonds over the winter and spring. Adhoc plots collective will gather together intermittently at FLEET: Edmonds over the next few seasons to work on a large basket sculpture that incorporates woven patchwork pieces made with plant waste and found materials. The materials used for this basket will be gleaned locally with care, and in consideration of the historical context of the place. We will invite the surrounding community to join us in the creation of this project, so keep an eye out for upcoming gleaning walks and weaving workshops in spring 2025.

Adhoc plots collective celebrates innovative, haphazard and playful gardening responses to the challenging economic and material conditions of our time through local community projects and social media. We collaborate together on provisional projects and assemblages using gleaned, ephemeral and salvaged materials.

Workshop Dates

February 2, 2025 from 12-3 PM: Walking and Gleaning workshop

February 9, 2025 from 12-3 PM: Weaving workshop

March 9, 2025 from 12-3 PM: Weaving workshop

March 20, 2025 from 12-3 PM: Weaving workshop

Image (above): Photo by Jenn Pearson